Little Legacies + writing & your benefit

When you were growing up did you ever keep a diary? You know the one with a little lock, so no one could see you expressing your honest emotions? I did! Actually a few and for whatever reason I ended up keeping them. When I read them now, it brings back fond memories, makes me laugh, or brings me back to that childhood feel! I don’t keep a diary anymore; I’ve moved to writing in other forms (such as blogging) and without personal intent, it’s naturally therapeutic! Writing has been used and incorporated as a method of therapy for years and although it may not be as common as other treatments, it still proves to have great benefits! According to Journal Therapy, an article in the American Psychological Association’s Monitor on Psychology, studies "suggest that writing about emotions and stress can boost immune functioning in patients with such illnesses as HIV/AIDS, asthma and arthritis.” Furthermore, according to researchers at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School, therapeutic journal writing can improve the mental and physical health in cancer patients. Finally, an article published in BJPsych Advances states that journal therapy and therapeutic writing are beneficial for treating severe trauma, body image problems, grief and loss issues. Journal therapy has also been used to help a number of other conditions, because the purposeful and intentional use of reflective writing can be used to further mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health and wellness. This is no different for children. I also think it's important to note, while writing is therapeutic, the release from writing can come without it being actual therapy. This is what one organization is doing - Little Legacies provides one-on-one mentoring in writing for pediatric patients and families faced with serious and life altering medical conditions. Providing age appropriate writing tools and inspiration, they are dedicated to improving the quality of patients’ time spent in treatments and hospitals and are enrichment to their existing services and treatments. At no cost to families, Little Legacies’ writing sessions result in structured, meaningful time spent during treatment or recovery. In cases where both the patient and family are coping with terminal illness, and should they so choose, they can guide the patient through writing their legacies to leave behind to loved ones - Such a special, unique, and invaluable gift!

What's the process? In short, once your started, children are provided with their own special hard bound journal. With each child being self-led for independent discovery, there is still one on one guidance from Little Legacy's Mentor. Writing prompts, exercises, as well as writing implements are used to expand the child’s thoughts to paper. They offer in-person-mentoring, in select cities. However, don’t worry about missing out if you aren’t in one of their locations! They also provide sessions via Skype or Facebook Messenger Video. Group workshops are also available where there is demand. They are committed to always remaining sensitive to the patient’s physical and emotional response to topics and length of session. For families who have pediatric patients, facing terminal and/or life altering medical conditions, it can be a fragile journey. It’s great to have organizations like Little Legacies that can come alongside to provide reprieve for families, enrich their current services, be a joy in their day, and have a cherished keepsake from your little legacy.

A little about the founders of Little Legacies - Leah Recor & Kim Denver: Leah Recor has experience with non-violent communication, Simplicity Parenting, Waldorf Education, child led activities, as well as children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. She graduated from the University of Denver.It’s with a compassionate heart that beckons co-founder, Kim Denver to work with children, who under extreme adversity also need someone to understand the shoes they fill and give them tools to find their voice. Kim graduated from Metro State University of Denver. They are a power team that helps aides their clients to be empowered and to preserve precious little legacies. To find out more about Little Legacies or contact them about services: Little Legacies' Website Email: Phone: 720.507.8928 Find Little Legacies on Facebook Here: