The Story That Started It All...

Whether you know a child or have a child yourself
with extra needs from IEP's, invisible disabilities, rare
..diseases, to physical obstacles, and everything in between,
it’s Limitless Abilities goal that all families and professionals
have easy access to quality support & resources! We have an open invitation for parents, professionals, & friends of children with all
abilities, to join in our unique online support group (here). You'll find here through a safe & positive environment, with open ......communication, collaboration, advocacy, asking questions, ideas/tips/links/resource sharing, & encouragement! We purposefully invite families & professionals to be a part of this forum because, (although there is a time for parent to parent and professional to ...professional) we are all on the same team! We should be working
in collaboration together. There is so much we can learn and gain
from our each others perspectives and experiences that can
be invaluable and thrust us forward to helping each child
be healthy, educated, and living fulfilled, happy lives!
Check out our free online group here!
Limitless Ability was born after a combination of the most challenging school year and a significant increase and series of doctor appointments, new specialists, more tests, new diagnoses, referrals, follow-up appointments, numerous insurance calls, navigating developing challenges from school calls, emails, letters, meetings, jumping through all the hoops of social security and other programs to help improve the quality of life (just to name a few), and trying to successfully maintain the rest of our life, all while balancing on my tip-toes!...Just kidding...At least about the tip-toe part!
I'm a wife and mother of two. My daughter, Hailey, who is approaching 4th grade, was born prematurely and spent the first days of her life in the NICU. During her pre-toddler stage, we noticed she wasn't hitting some developmental milestones (i.e. walking, talking, etc.). Over the past seven years Hailey has received multiple diagnoses, including an intellectual disability, neurosensory hearing loss, and a communication disorder.
Parenting in general, although extremely rewarding and fulfilling, can be difficult. However, the special needs parenting road is not an easy one; not even close. Often times you experience set-backs, go through & deal with things the typical parent doesn't, can feel frustrated, alone, or not understood. Our responsibility is much greater and the task is a tall-order; yet I am humbled to be given such an assignment and I arise to accept the challenge.
If you've ever heard the saying, "It takes a village", this is absolutely true - No doubt about it! You know as a special needs parent, that you require a bigger village (meaning much more support)! It may look a bit like: pediatricians, developmental pediatricians, genetic pediatricians, therapists (occupational, speech, etc.), general & special education teachers, paraprofessionals, aides, case managers, respite care, involved supportive family, friends with typical developing children, and friends with children with special needs (so you can relate, confide, and exchange support & sound advice). All of these components of a support system are extremely important for a parent so that ultimately the child can benefit and thrive successfully in life.
In 2016, It finally clicked with me that I was missing part of my village and a crucial part of my support system--those who were experiencing the same types of things I was as a parent. So I reached out through numerous avenues, online, in my community, social media, etc. and could not for the life of me find anything that pertained to my situation! After many hours spent, day after day, week after week of searching for a support group or class I could go to, to connect with others and coming up empty handed; I resolved to be a part of the solution and create a support group on Facebook. After seeing the growth and having so many people reach out to me, I realized the need for support. This is where Limitless Ability Organization was born. It is now our goal to make the resources that are available, easily accessible to all those involved in the lives of children with special needs; while we come together as a community, in support for one another.
