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Our Teacher Appreciation Program (TAP) Award 2016-2017 goes to
Mrs. Taube! A kindergarten teacher who is loved by all, who meet her! Always heavily involved in each student's life (she even supports her students by attending their sports games/activities!)
You are a teacher who inspires, goes above and beyond the call. You give the gift of knowledge, motivation, and set a strong educational foundation for all your students. Most importantly, you value each student and show them their invaluable worth. You are a teacher to be cherished, celebrated, and honored. Thank you for all that you do!
Do you have an A+ Teacher you would like to nominate for the TAP Award?
Each TAP winner receives recognition here on website, social media, is given an award certificate, and gift!
Complete the form below to enter a teacher for the TAP Award!
Nominations are open year round & winners are announced in May each year.
"My teacher gave
me the best gift
of all:
Believing in me!!"
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