Chiropractic Neurology Might be the Best Kept Secret to Helping Your Child w/Special Needs
Hello everyone. My name is Jacob Plasker, and I am a board certified chiropractic neurologist in the Portland Metro area. Christina...

5 Tips for Parents When Advocating at IEP Meetings
As a a parent of a child with a disability, Jeana has had the opportunity to sit on both sides of the table at IEP meetings. She's...

How one 16 year old is doing his part to improve the special needs community!
Meet Jamey - He's a 16 year old who enjoys many hobbies, like writing, singing, playing the piano, video games, free-running (Parkour),...

The 3 Most Important Things to Consider When You Begin Planning For Your Child With Special Needs.
The 3 Most Important Things to Consider When You Begin Planning For Your Child With Special Needs. Creating a Special Needs Plan can feel...